
Chronic Conditions

Gain knowledge + skills + confidence
Self-Management Programs

Chronic conditions are broadly defined as conditions that are long-term and require ongoing medical care and lifestyle changes to manage and control. Examples of chronic conditions include arthritis, heart disease, lung disease, and depression. The following program formats are available:

Self-Study  REGISTER  

This program known as the Chronic Conditions Tool Kit for Active Living, provides you with resource materials, including a book, self-assessment and guide booklet in a one-time mailing for self-guided learning.

Virtual Group  FIND A WORKSHOP

Our virtual interactive program using web-cams is offered over six sessions, 2.5 hours per week for 6 weeks as a 5-8 persons group workshop.


This community based program is offered over six sessions, 2.5 hours per week for 6 weeks as a 6-12 persons group workshop. 

Telephone Peer Health Coach LEARN MORE

A telephone-based one-to-one peer coaching program in which you receive a telephone call from a Health Coach for 30 minutes once a week, for a period of three months.


Better Choices, Better Health“ is a web-based, 6-week program where you can log in on your own time, as well as being part of a group. This provides opportunities for self-paced learning, and group members help each other stay on track.